Tuesday, April 15, 2008


This past Saturday I attended our annual A-day game along with 78,199 other people. This was less that last year which packed out the entire stadium at 93,000 and had to turn away thousands of others. Even still we had almost three times as many people as the cow college had at their game and more than anyone else has ever had in a spring game except for us. Plenty of schools have a hard time getting that many people in their stadium for a game, much less a scrimmage. I wonder what makes football so much more important here than in other places. Is it really just because we don't have stuff to do here? I think it has everything to do with pride. We hear often enough how people down south talk slow and think even slower, and how we don't have as nice of stuff as the yankees do. Football was/is a chance for us to be dominate, and show our worth and superiority. Maybe its a little silly that our pride and joy is a sport, or maybe all that matters is that we have something to be proud of no matter what it is.

1 comment:

Nick said...

the A day was a lot of fun this year. I had a lot of fun. Can't wait til next season. Roll Tide lol